Travel Emergency In China: Your Ultimate Survival Guide 🌍
🚨Emergency Situation Checklist🚨 A. Medical Emergencies If there’s an outbreak of a disease: B. Theft and Loss If your documents are stolen: If your belongings are stolen: If you lose your phone: C. Weather Disasters Typhoons: Earthquakes: Floods: D. Legal Issues If you’re detained: For entry/exit issues: In case of a traffic accident: E. Other
The China Travel Guide: A Beginner’s Checklist
🛩️🌏🧳 Travel China like a pro! Here’s a guide to prepare you for your journey: 🌟 Know the Culture: 🗣️ Language Basics:Say Hello: 你好 (nǐ hǎo)Thank You: 谢谢 (xiè xiè)Bye Bye: 再见 (zài jiàn)Yes: 是 (shì) / No: 否 (fǒu)I Don’t Understand: 我不懂 (wǒ bù dǒng)Speak Slowly: 请说慢一点 (qǐng shuō màn yī diǎn)Price Check: 这多少钱?(zhè